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Birthday Messages for Son

How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Below you will find a carefully crafted list of messages for your special occasion:

Happy birthday to my wonderful and precious son- with much love, for you are a precious gift from heaven above.

I’ll never forget the very special day that my son came into my life; and today and every day, I celebrate you. Happy birthday, my son!

Happy Birthday Son. I am proud to call you my friend and even more proud to call you my son.

May you grow tall like an Oak Tree with deep and lasting roots for a foundation. May your heart be like a river, ever flowing and clear and clean. On your birthday I wish you all the joys that life and the human condition provide. Happy Birthday!

Nothing break the bonds between us, I will always be there for you, I always protect you and always take care of you, just as I have since the day you were born. Happy birthday son!

Son, I remember teaching you how to tie your shoe, ride a bicycle, and hit a ball. It was so exciting to see your face light up as you mastered each of these tasks. I am so proud of your spirit, independence, and adventurous nature. Happy Birthday to my fun-loving boy! Love, Dad.

The day you came into my life you gave me everything. Since then I’ve given you cake, ice cream, and presents year after year after year… So, now we’re even, right? Happy birthday.

Merry Christmas to a teacher who keeps me learning all year round. May you and your family enjoy a joyous and magical holiday season.

I remember that day I held you and it seems just yesterday you took your first steps. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. Happy birthday son.

We have watched you become the man you are and we couldn’t have been prouder. Continue to make us proud son as you are a year older!

Today is a day to celebrate the intelligent and handsome man you are becoming. With each year you grow older, you also grow wiser. We are proud to be your parents. Happy Birthday, Son.

You’re growing so fast! It is hard to believe that not so long ago you were such a little precious baby that we were blessed to have. Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday to my pride and joy!

Happy Birthday to a very special son. I am so proud of you.

Happy Birthday, son. Enjoy your day off of chores, it isn’t going to last long.

Happy birthday, son. I hope the day is great for a great young man.

To a son who’s better than all the rest, here’s a birthday greeting that I hope is the best

No Matter How Many Birthdays Come And Go, You Will Always Be My Little Boy.

I’m so glad to have a son like you! Happy Birthday, Big Boy.

I remember the first time I held you in my arms, I felt so blessed, so complete. As you celebrate your birthday, know that we are proud of the man you have become. Happy Birthday son.

Happy birthday kiddo.

Happy Birthday to my beautiful daughter. You light up my days and make me so proud!