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Birthday Messages for Husband

How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Below you will find a carefully crafted list of messages for your special occasion:

Happy Birthday to my husband- may this day be full of cheer, for in my heart, you are always near.

Happy birthday to the man with whom I hope to spend many, many more–let’s devote the rest of our lives to the divine celebration of our eternal love.

To my soulmate, my love, my everything. I am who I am because you are who you are to me. Happy Birthday Sweetheart.

The mystique of the older man revolves around subtle aesthetics. A touch of grey, wisdom, experience and the smell of something too faint to trace in the air. You were worth making time for in your youth and have proven to have been a worthwhile choice. Happy Birthday.

You have been my sunshine when it was raining, my rock when I was weak, and my laughter when I was mourning. Happy birthday to the love of my life, I love you husband!

Happy Birthday, dear husband. I am so happy to be able to celebrate another year of your life. I look forward to many more celebrations of your special day, together. Have a wonderful day.

Year after year I love to celebrate your life with you. Here’s to a lifetime of celebrations. Happy birthday.

May your birthday always remind you of how special, loving and caring you are. We appreciate everything you do. Happy Birthday!

You are the man of my life when I said I do to you. Have a great day hun and happy birthday. There are many things to celebrate and your existence is one of them.

You complete my life and there isn’t anything more that I would love to be doing on this day that celebrates your life wonderful husband of mine.

Happy Birthday to the love of my life. I am so blessed I am able to celebrate this special day with you. I hope you have a great birthday. I love you.

There is nothing about you that I would change, and there is nothing in this world that I would trade you for. Everyday I spend with you reminds me of just how thankful I am for the day that you were born! Happy Birthday!

For all that you do, know that you are appreciated and loved. Happy Birthday!

Today on your birthday I want you to know how thankful I am to be married to you. I love the man you are. And I love each year that we spend together.

Happy birthday, babe. Hopefully there’s few enough candles not to light the cake this year.

Happy birthday to the man `who sets my heart aflame as much today as the day we met. Happy birthday, Dear.

Every other day I press your clothes, I cook your meals, I clean up after you, and show you how much I appreciate you just because I love you. Today, I do it for you because it’s your birthday. Happy birthday to a great husband

Honey, On Your Birthday I Want You To Put Your Feet Up, Sit Back, And Enjoy This Day…Cause Tomorrow The Garage Needs To Be Cleaned Out.

My Handsome, Gentle Husband, I Love You to the Moon and Back…

As you celebrate your birthday I hope all your wishes come true and I cannot wait to celebrate many more with you. Happy Birthday my love

Every year that passes, I love you deeper. Happy birthday to the most wonderful husband.

You stole my heart and many a kiss. Now I give to you this Birthday wish!