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Birthday Messages for Father

How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Below you will find a carefully crafted list of messages for your special occasion:

Best wishes to my wonderful dad-From your loving support and guidance, you gave me the best I had.

I never would refer to a man of your strength, energy and vitality as ‘dear old dad’; but you are indeed very dear to me, and I wish you the happiest birthday.

You taught me values, you taught me principles. You made a big deal until I was a big deal and for that, I thank you. Happy Birthday Dad!

Nothing compares to the love and guidance of a father in a child’s life. I am so grateful to call you Dad. Happy Birthday!

To one of the most amazing men in my life, my caretaker and my provider, your life is a shining example to others and should be celebrated. Happy birthday to my favorite and only dad!

Dad, I wish you a happy birthday today and for many years to come. You have been a great teacher and a source of strength and guidance for me. I have learned so much from you. You have helped me become the person I am today. Thank you.

One year older and one year wiser…but mostly older…Happy birthday!

May your heart grow three sizes bigger this Christmas. Let’s hope Santa doesn’t bring you a lump of coal. Have a happy holiday season!

Dad, as we celebrate another year of your life, I look back at the memories we have made. I hope there are many more to make in the years to come. May you have a great birthday!

Dad, you taught me so much. Including how not to be mushy in a card. Happy birthday to the best mentor a child could have

Happy Birthday to the world’s greatest dad. With every day that passes I learn more and more from you. Thank you for teaching me about love, life, and the meaning of family. I love you.

A fun filled day of fishing and barbequing … It must be your birthday!! Happy Birthday Dad!

You provided for our family ever since. You are the steady rock we can lean on. Happy Birthday, Dad!

Dad, you are our rock. You are our giggle after a rough day. You are a warm hug and a pat on the back. Happy Birthday, and thank you for being you.

Happy Birthday Dad! Are you balding yet?

Happy birthday Pops! Sleep late, eat cake, skip the chores. In other word, be me for a day! Love {Insert name}

Dad, I know you’re a man of few words and you probably have a lot of sports to watch so I’ll keep this short. Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday And Thank You For Not Shooting Every Boy I Brought Home To Meet You And Mom.

Dad, thanks for all the conversations we had when I did all the talking. You’re a good listener, Dad.

Dad, you have been a shoulder to lean on, a voice of reason and an inspiration to me all my life. As you celebrate this day, may all your wishes come true because you truly deserve it. Happy Birthday. I love you.

Happy birthday dad. You ain’t so bad. Have a good one. And lotsa fun.

Cake and presents and games and fun, your Birthday is exciting for everyone!