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Enjoy Your Vacation Messages

Tips on Writing an ‘Enjoy Your Vacation’ Card

It does not matter who are or what you do for a living, if there is one thing that a majority of people can agree on, it’s this – we could ALL use a vacation. Everybody loves a good get-away from work or school, but unfortunately, we don’t always have the opportunity to vacation on white, sandy beaches as often as we want. It is for this reason that our attention is caught whenever our closest friends or family members go on a vacation.

How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Travelling can be scary at times, especially if someone is travelling to vacation some place far away. This is why an “enjoy your vacation” and/or a “travel safely” card is one of the best things you can give your travelling friends family.

Do you have a friend or family member travelling soon? Are you considering a nice gesture like a hand-written ‘enjoy your vacation’ card? If so, and you are not sure what to say, below are some ideas of great messages you can write your friend or family member before they take that journey to vacationing freedom!

For a Friend Going on Vacation

Friends can range from a variety of people in your life. It could be your boss, a co-worker, a best friend – it can be anybody close to you that isn’t necessarily a blood relative. The key here is to personalize your message according to who you are writing the message for, and how you would normally talk to them on any given day, whether it’d be professional, inside jokes, or friendly and simple. Here are some examples:

  • (For a co-worker) “Hey! Make the best of your vacation time! You have worked very hard to get this time off, so I hope that you enjoy it. Don’t worry, I’ll hold down the office fort while you are away. See you soon.”
  • (For your best friend) “Of course, you’re leaving me here to fend for myself while you’re out sipping martinis. I’m not jealous. (Aka, I’m very jealous.) Enjoy vacationing without me! Come back soon!”
  • (For a religious friend) “I hope that God blesses you during your travels and during your vacation. I will pray for your safe passage and I look forward to hearing about your vacation as soon as you get back. God Bless.”
  • (For an acquaintance) “I wish you all the best for your vacation time. May all the happiness in the world embrace you, let your fun be unlimited with friends and family. Bon voyage!”

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For Someone That You Love

Sometimes, someone that you really care for is going off to vacation, and for whatever reason, you cannot join them on this journey. If this is the case for you, then a ‘travel safely’ or an ‘enjoy your vacation’ is the perfect send off for the person that you love the most. Here are some great messages you can write to your beloved before they begin their travels:

  • (For your wife) “This house will surely feel empty and quiet without you hear for the next couple of days. I’m assuming that you want me to do the dishes this week? I’ll get it done. In the meantime, I love you and please travel safely.”
  • (For your husband) “I know that this is a big business trip for you and your partners. Knock ‘em dead hun! I love you! Travel safely and please call me as soon as you arrive.”
  • (For your girlfriend) “I am so happy that you are getting to spend quality time with your family! I wish I could be there with you! Travel as safe as possible and let me know that you got there safely.”
  • (For your boyfriend) “Babe! I’m jealous you’re going on vacation, but I’m happy that you get to spend it with your family. You better call me every night, or you’ll be in trouble when you get back. 😉 xoxo”

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Some Other Message Examples

  • “I wish you a ton of happiness, joy, and fun while you are on vacation! I hope you have a great time!”
  • “Catch you later! I wish you all the best for your vacation.”
  • “Enjoy the rest and downtime! I know I would! Safe travels!”
  • “I hope your vacation gives you the pleasure you need so that you don’t have to think of any problems back at home. Enjoy your vacation.”
  • “Sit back. Relax. Let life roll off your back. Enjoy your vaction!”

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